835 Frequenlty Asked Questions

Is a Business Associate Agreement needed?

Yes, a Business Associates Agreement (BA) is needed.  The exchange of medical data is covered under both the HIPAA act of 1996 and the HITECH act of 2009 and it is our priority to ensure that we partner with you to ensure that we are protecting your patients/members data.  Our BA is located here, DRS Business Associates Agreement and can be used or if you have your own please send to cecilio.thomas@dorightsolutions.com and we'll review to see if it meets our level of requirements.

Is my data secure?

Yes, our dedicated server is hosted by Liquid Web, our HIPAA certification and compliance can be found here, https://www.liquidweb.com/solutions/hipaa-compliant-hosting/?_bt=516446063936&_bk=%2Bhipaa&_bm=b&_bn=g&_bg=46212355810&gclid=CjwKCAjwj8eJBhA5EiwAg3z0m1JKn5Ho7yvwZrsZHtOGIaQfAd6bbEXb9rQhSAhjhut6K7J4F8MSGhoCEL4QAvD_BwE

How much does it cost?

Once you've registered to use the utility you'll be given two free parsings, all other parsings are $50.00 per parse with a daily limit of two parsings per day and a file size limit of 5MB.  Please see the parsing constraints section for details on the data being parsed . 

Can I see an example of the output?

Yes you can.  Here is an example of what a typical 835 would look look like, sample.835 and here is what the information looks like once our parser has parsed the file for you, sample.835.output, ready in a readable format that you are your team can understand. 


How do I get started?

Ok, so you've filled out our BA are ready to start parsing your 835 remittance advice's to see how your claims have been paid?  Simply head over to https://edi.dorightsolutions.com, register, and then start parsing your files, it's that easy.  If you have any questions or concerns don't hesitate to reach out to cecilio.thomas@dorightsolutions.com.


DISCLAIMER: The information provided in this FAQ is based on experience through our 25 years of working in the healthcare industry. DoRight Solutions, Inc. assumes no responsibility therefore. The user of the information agrees that the information is subject to change without notice. DoRight Solutions Inc., assumes no responsibility for the consequences of use of such information, nor for any infringement of third party intellectual property rights which may result from its use. IN NO EVENT SHALL DORIGHT SOLUTIONS, INC. BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGE RESULTING FROM, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OF THE INFORMATION.